Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dry Air

The air is so dry this winter and it is making everything have static cling.


Daniel said...

Well, at least it a little bit warmer in the last few days. Hannah looks like a teenager there.

Putz said...

She looks like Paris hilton

Becky said...

Cute! She is a cutie. We miss youl.

Anonymous said...

Wow! We always have the opposite problem! SO much moister that your hair goes flat as if it has been rained on!

Shell said...

To bad we can't mix the air.

Daniel said...

I remember my hair was so thick and chewy when I was in Seattle, the humidity makes it better actually. It looks like it's always wet but it is not, it's just thick, not straight down. My hair actually looked better up there. And the my skin was always so white and moist, no need for chap stick or lotion.

Skybob said...

I hated the humidity..couldn't breathe, always felt like I needed to towl off, more acne...uh problems elsewhere... All of the missionaries went home with yellow pits on a their white shirts. Cold felt colder, hot felt hotter. I couldn't wait to get back to the nice dry air!!(who wants to chew hair anyways? yuck he he.) The dry air makes my hair so managable and wafty;)

dust and kam said...

The coolest hair I've seen! Woohoo!

Shell said...

Kamie- she just walked up to me and her hair was sticking out in every diredtion it was funny.

I ruined our playstation the other day when I was trying to turn it off and shocked it very bad from all the static.